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I am a movement facilitator, guide, body therapist and energy initiator. 

I have facilitated in many retreats and workshops over the years in Turkey and across the world. Traveled to Europe, Peru, India and Asia to expand her knowledge and has integrated new inspirations to her own practice called Move Beyond. I am currently traveling and creating spiritual journeys, workshops and retreats around the world. 

Whenever I feel like I'm going through a process where I can't stay centered and I'm burdening myself, the winds of change and transformation of life touch the side of my face. It takes time to realize that I am enveloped in a flow. As my connection with myself weakens, my body starts to give signals and this can sometimes manifest itself as a pain, sometimes as an injury, sometimes as a bump.


To move and bring my focus to my body,

reminds me again of the flow and lets my inner voice whisper.

My movement and body-oriented adventure, which started with my ballet and conservatory education and has been going on for almost 20 years, now continues in different areas of the body, sometimes by dancing, sometimes by turning into a workshop or creating together with people from other disciplines, and sometimes by touching a body for healing.


Although my work in the business world has taken me to completely different fields, initiatives and countries, the inexhaustible urge to move, dance and research about the body has always remained with me. This drive continues to be my greatest motivation, meditation, passion and teacher in life and keeps the fire alive in me.


The curiosity triggered by my passion was the beginning of my realization of my body, my capacity for movement and my inward journey; it was the source of my focus on the body-mind relationship and my awareness path.


On the experience of learning through the body, I hold space for moving awareness workshops that include movement, dance, and ritual that I blend with somatic and meditation practices. I offer individual body therapy sessions that I blend with deep tissue technique, reiki, and munay-ki work that I have been initiated in Peru.

I continue my journey by participating in various retreats, meditation practices and new trainings in nature; sharing individual body therapy sessions and body-oriented workshops designed with my own knowledge with individuals and institutions.

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